From Saturday 15 to Sunday 30 March 2025
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Support Us

How to support the festival

Roll over the boxes below to see the benefits for supporting the festival.

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Friends of the Festival

Friends of the Festival

  • Priority copy of Festival Brochure
  • Personal acknowledgement in Friends list in brochure
  • Priority booking at least two weeks before general booking
  • Invitation to pre-Festival Champagne Reception
  • Regular newsletter with latest news from October to March

​Cost: £150 per annum for a couple (£100 single)

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  • All of the above plus
  • Complimentary Festival Pass
  • Priority booking at least four weeks before general booking
  • Opportunity to support specific concert or project with acknowledgement in brochure, website and event programme
  • Opportunity to meet performers post-event

Cost: £1000 per annum for a couple (£750 single)

If you are interested in supporting the festival by becoming a Friend or Benefactor, and would like more information, then please contact [email protected]


The festival is run by a small team supported by many volunteers who help at events and in many other ways. If you would like to be involved with our enthusiastic group of volunteers, please contact [email protected]