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All Saints’ Putney 150th Anniversary Concert – Sacconi Quartet

All Saints’ Putney 150th Anniversary Concert – Sacconi Quartet
16 November 2023 Barnes Music Festival
12th Mar 2024

All Saints’ Putney 150th Anniversary Concert - Sacconi Quartet

To mark All Saints’ 150th anniversary, the Sacconi Quartet embarks on a journey through the world of chamber music, presenting timeless compositions by Mozart and Beethoven, as well as the work of renowned contemporary composer, and Barnes resident, Roxanna Panufnik.

Joined by bassoonist Amy Harman, the ensemble bring to life “Cantator and Amanda,” a musical love story inspired by the 14th-century Rye legend of a monk named Cantator, celebrated for his ‘divine singing voice’, who found love in Amanda, poignantly represented by the bassoon.

The programme culminates with Beethoven’s extraordinary String Quartet in B flat major, Op. 130. Revered for its complexity, innovation and emotional depth, alongside Beethoven’s other late string quartets, Op. 130 holds a hallowed place as one of the supreme achievements in chamber music. In this particular performance, the Sacconi Quartet restores the quartet’s original ending, the Grosse Fugue, a daring and avant-garde movement that Beethoven’s publishers once deemed incomprehensible to contemporary audiences, leading to its replacement by a more accessible final movement before publication.

For twenty-one years, the Sacconi Quartet have been captivating audiences with their unanimous and compelling ensemble, consistently communicating with a fresh and imaginative approach. Performing with style and commitment, the quartet are known throughout the world for their creativity and integrity of interpretation. The Sacconi enjoy a busy international career, performing regularly across the world, at Europe’s major venues, in recordings and on radio broadcasts. The Sacconi are Quartet in Association at the Royal College of Music and Quartet in Residence for the town of Folkestone.

Sacconi Quartet
Ben Hancox, Violin
Matthew Truscott, Violin
Robin Ashwell, Viola
Cara Berridge, Cello
Amy Harman, Bassoon

Roxanna Panufnik Cantator and Amanda
Mozart String Quartet No. 22 in B flat major, K. 589
Beethoven String Quartet in B flat major Op. 130 with Grosse Fuge Op 133

Concert Patrons – John and Dina Taysom

Photo Credit: Nathan Eaton-Baudains